Quality - Competence - Integrity


Reasons to join EUYT

EUYT offers you the opportunity to be part of an vibrant and spirited yoga and yoga therapy community. You receive appreciation for your work and find professional and personal exchange with qualified colleagues. You will also enjoy all the benefits of a professional organization that is committed to your interests in technical, professional, spiritual and creative themes.


Our experience in the last decades shows how challenging it is to apply and convey Yoga and Yoga Therapy holistically, which is the mission of EUYT. At this time of general acceleration Yoga is often seen merely as physical exercises. However it is a profound health science that is meant to support all levels of human life. Unfortunately a symptom-oriented "yoga therapy" spreads increasingly and seems not to be firmly grounded in the holistic yoga teaching with its original depth and diversity.


Do you wish to encounter dedicated people who support each another with their work in yoga and yoga therapy and for whom Yoga is not only a profession but also a vocation?


If that is true for you, you are most welcome to participate, contribute, promote and publicize this holistic way of Yoga and Yoga Therapy. By personal practice, by integrating knowledge and experience, by meeting and exchanging views with others all can deepen the understanding of Yoga and healing.


EUYT creates the ideal platform and contributes thereby to the benefit of people and the local and global expansion of Yoga in its original purpose. We are happy to welcome you as a member of EUYT!


Last Update June 2024